resources tagged 



how to make space

you were made to be seen, heard, encountered, and empowered. but those require space to be fully realized and life rarely gives us permission to slow down. in this activation, you’ll learn practical and surprising ways to start experiencing more space in 4 key areas of life.
15 minutes
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overflow : 20 refreshing results of childlike innocence

women pour themselves out in countless ways. to sustain a lifestyle of giving that doesn’t deplete you, it’s crucial to learn to live from a full cup. in this simple ‘activation list,’ you’ll discover the transformative power of childlike innocence and how it leads to living life from a place of overflow.
5 minutes
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maximizing your moments

discover the supernatural concept of time redemption and start reclaiming time in your everyday life for the purposes of God. in this activation, you’ll learn five ways to gain true mastery over the moments in your life through relationship with Jesus.
5 minutes
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designed for impact

your life has purpose. you were designed to impact the world for God in positive and powerful ways. but resistance comes to keep you from stepping boldly into who you were created to be. in this course you’ll learn to recognize and overcome 5 specific areas of resistance women face in reaching their full potential.
15 minutes daily
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online courses

hearing from God

when we understand the gift of prophecy, hearing from God becomes an exciting adventure that helps transform the world around us. in this course you’ll learn what prophecy is all about, how to unlock it, and how God can use it to impact the world around you.
online courses
5 sessions
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